Step 1: Identify the Task
- What is the assignment asking you to do?
- What type of product will you create?
- What should the scope of your research be?
- What is at stake with this research? Who will be interested in your findings?
Step 2: Formulate a Research Question
- Create a question that will frame your research.
- Determine what sub-questions you will need to answer to respond to this larger question.
Step 3: Generate Search Terms
- What terms will you need to use when you begin your search?
- Think of as many of these as possible so that you will have many items to choose from while you use the databases provided.
Step 4: Determine your Information-Seeking Strategy
- Where do you think you will find information on this topic?
- What types of sources will be helpful to you?
- Think of these ahead of time so that you will have an array of source types once your research is complete.
Step 5: Evaluate and Organize
- Evaluate the credibility and effectiveness of your sources (especially web sources).
- Organize your findings before you begin writing so that your audience will follow your research easily.
Step 6: Synthesize your Research
- The final step! Combine the information you retreived so that it supports your claim.
- Don't forget to include what new knowledge you've created. Answer the "so what?!" question.

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